My post is totally out of line with the genre of my blog - food and gaming. However, I had this urge to share my experience with my dog catching the parvovirus. So what the heck is a parvovirus?
Parvovirus is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. The disease is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. It can be especially severe in puppies that are not protected by maternal antibodies or vaccination.
Jan 13th, after spending a night out with my good friends I thought that I was spared from the "unlucky Friday the 13th". Well, I was but not Potchi, my Border Collie (mixed) 7 month old puppy. When I came home that night, I thought he was just too sleepy to play with me so I left him at his bed and said goodnight.
Jan 14th, my brother told me that Potchi didn't eat anything since Friday and he was vomiting and having some diarrhea. He was not his usual self, Potchi is the most playful dog to the point that he will literally drive you nuts but that day, he was too lethargic - just lying around and not responding to our calls. At first, I thought he just ate something that may have upset his stomach but later that night, I saw his stool giving out a foul smell and there were traces of blood.
Took a picture of my "baby" before bringing him to the vet |