When I learned I my baby's gender in my 5th month of pregnancy, I was lamenting over the idea of getting a 3D4D scan to take a sneak peak of my little bundle of joy. Due to budget constraints, we thought it would be practical for us to skip the 3D4D but when I changed my OB and hospital (this is saved for another post), I convinced my partner to have the scan since we will have extra funds then.
So I did my research and checked on reviews from forums and blogs and found out that In My Womb and W.O.M.B (World of My Baby) provides great service which is just located in the heart of Ortigas. I sent a private message to both facilities and both were professional and polite in answering my questions. However, I felt that WOMB needs extra personalized and rapport with possible customers. The answers that were given to me were kind of a template that it felt that they just want to end any inquiries asap unlike IMW, they offer suggestions what's the best package to avail etc.
WOMB is cheaper than IMW but with the customer service experience I had, I opted to pick In My Womb Megamall branch. Another factor that I considered when chose In My Womb was that they will allow copying the pictures and videos in a USB flash drive. I learned that you'll need to wait for at least 5-7 days to get the CD/DVD and if I provide a new flash drive, I should be able to get it within the day! WOMB on the other hand, doesn't allow flash drives.
I was able to set an appointment and it's a good thing I did because the time I finished my scan, the place was filled up with expecting parents. You'd be asked to empty your bladder before the procedure. The scan takes around 10-30 minutes depending on the position of the baby. My baby known to be shy type even on typical monthly checkups was not facing towards us so I had to change lying to my sides for him to get moving.
Our little bundle of joy |
When I got my flash drive, it contained 64 files containing pictures and videos :) I'd say In My Womb Basic 3D4D package is totally worth it :)